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Testament to John Humphrey |
the Parishioners of Chessington
I feel that I must write a few lines to give expression to my own
great sorrow and that of many amongst us at the departure of Mr.
Humphrey's family from Chessington. The name has been so long and so
pleasantly associated in my mind with the parish for the last forty-two
years. That the loss is a great one to me personally, as of highly
valued and kind friends and a loss to the village of a family that has
lived so blamelessly honoured and esteemed by all, it no inconsiderable
one. Mr. Stephen Humphrey has ever proved himself no unworthy son of his
good father who in 1829 took Cop-Guilders Hall Farm, which has since, been
held by the family until now. Mr. John Humphrey died in 1871, and as there
was no Parish Magazine in those days, I should be glad now to place his
name on record in our Parish Annals as one of the most worthy of the
patriarchs of Chessington. I extract the following from a sermon preached
by me at his death and printed by desire of the family. 'Long shall we remember John Humphrey . . . so simple and
unostenatious in his habits, so faithful and just and liberal in his
views, and in his dealings a manly, true-hearted yeoman of the best
English type. There some who remember him for forty years as a resident of
this place, and I for one can go back for nearly twenty years and can
truly say that from the first day I knew him until his death I always
found him the same honest John Humphrey, the same kind-hearted parishioner
- consistent, upright, rightminded, kind-hearted and gentle in all his
relations, a genuine man and a Christian without guile. Who of us does not
recall his pleasant smile, his ready and cheerful laugh, the kindness of
his look, the warmth of his friendly greeting?
But the point I would lay especial stress on is this, that in him
the living source of all that was good, was faith.
The life he lived in the flesh he lived by faith in the Son of God
Who loved him end gave Himself for him. This wonderful truth was to him a
bright and living reality; on this his hopes were built and this his soul
reposed; on this his life was framed. How consistent a lover he was of the
House of God we all can testify. He took great interest in the enlargement
of our Church and the last few walks he was able to take were, as he said,
to see how the Church was getting on - the Church of which he was
churchwarden for thirty years. He was a regular and devout communicant.
The body and blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist he longed to receive to
his souls comfort, on his bed of sickness, at a time when his little
remaining strength, was almost unequal to the effort. His great desire was
to make others happy and to give no occasion of trouble or annoyance to
I have quoted thus much of what was passing in the minds of many
twenty-two years ago and I have now done so because I hold that the names
of the good and the great and the faithful in our village life ought to
find an honoured place in the Annals of the village. I have merely said of
Mr. Stephen Humphrey, our excellent churchwarden for many years, that he
is a worthy son of his father and he would hardly wish for words of higher
honour. He and Mrs. Humphrey and their family and, not least, our kind and
diligent Sunday School teacher will carry with them the affectionate
regards of many friends to their happily not distant home from which I
hope we may often see them amongst us. Your sincere friend, W.CHETWYND
STAPYLTON Chessington
Parish Magazine c.1880’s